6:30 in the morning mum and I rushed to the train station to drop me off for Wellington camp which was really exciting. After 6 hour on the train we finally got to Picton and had lunch and played at the playground.
Then we head on to the ferry which made everyone sick. Blake, Josh, Logan, Jack, Chloe and I went on the top of the ferry. The wind was so big that all of us nearly got blown away. 2 hours after we got to Wellington went to where we going to stay for 4 nights The YHA. Also for dinner we got Pizza for dinner. After dinner we went on a little walk around the sea. And that was our traveling day. 

Everyone in the girls cabin got woken up by jorja 7:00 in the morning, then we all got ready for the day to do some exciting things. First place we went to was The City Of Sea Museum a.k.a the Wellington museum. We learned a lot of things there like paddie the dog... then we went to this place called Te PaPa and we explored a lot of things like the big octopus, the earthquake house... Then we went to parliament and explored around parliament. After that we had McDonald's for dinner and then went to watch Robin Hood and that was our 2nd day in Wellington.
looks like you had lots of fun