
Friday, August 5, 2016

Olympics Questions

The Olympics is starting. We wrote 50 question that we wanted to ask. I've teamed up with Jorja and Nikita to do this project. Also we had to choose 8 of our best questions. So here's some of our questions see if you can answer some! :D
  1. Why do we have olympics?
  2. Who selects each country’s team of athletes?
  3. How many athletes can a country bring?
  4. How much work goes into preparing for the olympics?
  5. How has the olympics changes lives?
  6. What is involved in cheating?  
  7. Can they add new sports to the Olympics?
  8. What is the Olympic torch?

Monday, August 1, 2016

My Term 3 Timetable

This is my timetable for term 3, I'm trying very hard to reach all my goals, especially for my reading. I've been reading 1 hour every night, doing 2-3 key into Evaluation every week, also doing 40 minutes of steps almost everyday!
After every session I try my hardest to remember that I have to colour code my session.
Red=I haven't tried that hard :(
Orange= okay:|
Green=I complete this lesson really well:)
It depends on our Reading & Writing group, so everyone's timetable is different!
I'm most excited for William Pike Challenge award which we are doing bush survival skills day, Cantamaths and Digi Awards.