Hey bloggers, I’m back with another blog post. This is gonna be a special blog post of me saying goodbye to this year and this school! This is my favorite year at YMS! I have made some really amazing memories. If I haven't gone through the YMS adventure. I wouldn’t of meet all of the amazing people at this school, teachers, my friends, PTA and you can’t forget the amazing principle that sings and dance around school. I will miss all of you so much that I can’t even explain. My favourite memories is when Miss Blair hurt her neck and everyone gave her a group hug. Miss Blair is my favourite teacher of all time! I hope you enjoy your time cycling around NZ next year. Thank you YMS for everything you’ve done for me! You’ve made my past 4 years amazingly amazing! Thank you! Goodbye!
Monday, December 12, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
Novel Study
Hey bloggers, here’s my 2nd novel study that I did on the book “ Fantastic Mr Fox “
In my appontan it’s a very interesting. We had to do certain activities and present it with DLO (digital learning object). I chose to present it on a google slide. So here it is, enjoy!Monday, November 14, 2016
Hey bloggers, I’m back with another post! From week 1, term 4 Rimu class has been using this website called Prototec. Prototec is a website we use almost everyday, It’s a website where you practise your basic facts. We practise basic facts like percentages, timetables, division and fractions. We practise basic facts every day so we can remember it really well and use it in our daily bases. Here’s the link to prototec if you want to have a try yourself! Have fun!
Monday, October 17, 2016
Bush Survival DLO
A few weeks ago, for our 4th William Pike Challenge Awards. We spend a day learning how to survive in the woods. When we came back we had to make a DLO (Digital learning object) about it.
We had a lot of choices and I picked to do a Kahoot quiz. Kahoot is a website where you can make questions up and have your whole class playing it at the same time, and whoever has the most points win. I've made a Kahoot quiz about what we have learnt from our bush survival strip! Sadly I don''t know how to link up a Kahoot. But anyways I leant a lot of things about my bush survival. Did you know that you can survive 3 weeks with out water?
We had a lot of choices and I picked to do a Kahoot quiz. Kahoot is a website where you can make questions up and have your whole class playing it at the same time, and whoever has the most points win. I've made a Kahoot quiz about what we have learnt from our bush survival strip! Sadly I don''t know how to link up a Kahoot. But anyways I leant a lot of things about my bush survival. Did you know that you can survive 3 weeks with out water?
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Novel Study
At the start of term 3, we had to finish a project in 7 weeks called "Novel Study". You had to finish 5 compulsory activities and 2 electives activities. The book that I read was called "The Twits" by Roald Dahl. It took me about 2 nights to finish the book. But it took me a while to finish my Novel Study activities. However I finished before everyone else did. Because I managed my time really well; I did it at home and at school.
Here's my google slide of my novel study!
Hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
This year's Digi Awards theme is " Be The Change" and we picked "Bullying" as our topic because I think bullying should be stopped!
My group this year was Base, Gus, Jorja, Katie, Paige and I. For our category we picked movie making; and our expectation was:
~ Make sure the movie can make a change.
~ No more than 3 minutes.
~ Amazing camera work, editing, background music.
After focusing on our expectations; we made a plan on the characters, setting, and scenes.
It took us about 2 weeks to finish this movie, so I hope you enjoy because we spent a lot of time on this video.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
How to write a quality blog comment!
Hi, here's a video on how to write a quality blog comment. I used screencastify to record my video hope you enjoy, hopefully you will learn how to write a quality blog comment after you watch this video!
Monday, September 12, 2016
For the past few weeks Rimu Class has been working on our speech. First I decided on my speech topic which is " If I Ruled The World". After that I wrote my speech which took about a week. Then I print my speech out and stick it on a piece cardboard. And practiced it over the weekend. Finally it was time to present my speech, so here's a video of me presenting my speech.
P.S turned the volume up!
I also represented the year 8 from my school to the Speech competition last Monday at Tai Tapu School. Before I stared I was SUPER SUPER nervous. And here's some picture of me at the speech competition.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
On Wednesday the 24th of August Bella, Gus, Jacob and I were in the year 8 team for Cantamaths. I am very happy that we got 75 points in 30 minutes. We answered 15 questions and passed about 3 or 4 and didn't have time to answer 1 or 2.I'm still really happy even though we didn't get a 100 points because we got the highest score that has ever been scored at my school.Thanks to Dave and Mr Mathews for teaching me and my team great skills so we could do so well.Also we did a project on Cantamaths, Nikita and I went as a group and we did a little poster. Here our some pictures.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Olympics Questions
The Olympics is starting. We wrote 50 question that we wanted to ask. I've teamed up with Jorja and Nikita to do this project. Also we had to choose 8 of our best questions. So here's some of our questions see if you can answer some! :D
- Why do we have olympics?
- Who selects each country’s team of athletes?
- How many athletes can a country bring?
- How much work goes into preparing for the olympics?
- How has the olympics changes lives?
- What is involved in cheating?
- Can they add new sports to the Olympics?
- What is the Olympic torch?
Monday, August 1, 2016
My Term 3 Timetable
This is my timetable for term 3, I'm trying very hard to reach all my goals, especially for my reading. I've been reading 1 hour every night, doing 2-3 key into Evaluation every week, also doing 40 minutes of steps almost everyday!
After every session I try my hardest to remember that I have to colour code my session.
Red=I haven't tried that hard :(
Orange= okay:|
Green=I complete this lesson really well:)
It depends on our Reading & Writing group, so everyone's timetable is different!
I'm most excited for William Pike Challenge award which we are doing bush survival skills day, Cantamaths and Digi Awards.
After every session I try my hardest to remember that I have to colour code my session.
Red=I haven't tried that hard :(
Orange= okay:|
Green=I complete this lesson really well:)
It depends on our Reading & Writing group, so everyone's timetable is different!
I'm most excited for William Pike Challenge award which we are doing bush survival skills day, Cantamaths and Digi Awards.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
National Young Leader Day!
National Young Leaders Day!
A few weeks ago Jack, Isaac, Katie, Paige, Gus, Tim and I got picked to go to the National Young Leaders Day! We were very lucky that we could go! There were some amazing quotes and amazing people. Here's some photos enjoy!:)
A few weeks ago Jack, Isaac, Katie, Paige, Gus, Tim and I got picked to go to the National Young Leaders Day! We were very lucky that we could go! There were some amazing quotes and amazing people. Here's some photos enjoy!:)
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
A few weeks ago Rimu class went to the Air Force Museum, when we came back we had to create a project on what we learnt. Katie, Jorja, Gus, Jesse and I made a movie about Jim Maton, because he was really outstanding also he was the youngest person to go to war. Enjoy!:)
Rock Climbing
On Monday, Rimu class did our 2nd William Pike Challenge. This time we did rock climbing at CattleStop Crag. Thanks to the parents and teacher who transported us to the rock!! Jorja, Shukoor, Tim and I were in Mrs Royfee’’s car. After a while when we finally got up the hill, when we were parking it looked like we nearly drove off the hill, and we thought Mrs Royfee was a crazy driver. We all freaked out meanwhile Tim, Shukoor and I looked like a twisted pretzel, all tangled up!
We hopped out of the car and it was FREEZING, it felt like - 12 degrees! Especially when some of us were wearing shorts ( Me -LOL). Back to the story - we gathered together and met our instructors Steven and Josh. The view up there was AMAZING - you could see the whole of Christchurch in one sight! When we got to the top we could also see Castle Rock and the gondola.
Firstly we had to walk down a set of stairs created from big rocks, that was really cool. After that we had to walk on a dirt trail that led us to the rock to climb on. There were a lot of steep dips around, Josh and Steven asked us a little bit about the William Pike Challenge. Then they sent a few people from our class to the abseiling rock.
From the bottom it didn’t look that high, But when you got up there you could not see the bottom because of a rock that was blocking the way. But it’s was one of the scariest thing that I have done! But I don’t regret it I’m really glad that I tried something that I’m afraid of. After abseiling we headed back to the jandel wall and I tried to climb the hardest which was the last wall but i keep falling over. Meanwhile everyone was starting to pack up so I had to come down. But if I can go back I would really want to finish that rock!
Friday, June 17, 2016
100 WC
Little Yellow Airplane
Today was Thursday which means that I have to go to Violin class. I loves playing the Violin it's one of my favourite hobby's. Every Thursday is always a rush day, because Mum would have to pick me up from school and then head straight to the Volin school. As usual I would sit in the back of the car and look at the view. Today something really caught my attention, a yellow airplane swept through the sky and towards a bird. Suddenly he opened his big mouth and...
Friday, June 3, 2016
Today Dave woke up nice and early and jogged to the bus stop and went to Beacon Hills Shopping Mall. As soon as he got there he started wondering around like he’s searching for something. He looked at his phone and then walked over and sat on the bench beside a golden statue and got out a book and started reading.
“Hey mate how’s it going”
Dave had no idea what was going on and by mistake he saw a watch that he gave to his best friend Rob 12 years ago. Then he realized that was Rob.
“Hey mate how’s it going”
Dave had no idea what was going on and by mistake he saw a watch that he gave to his best friend Rob 12 years ago. Then he realized that was Rob.
Friday, May 27, 2016
100 WC
Fullmoon Night
On a full moon night, Allison, Lydia, Stiles and Scott decided to camp at “Rosewood Camp” which was on Mt Rosewood. Apparently a lot of murders happened here. but everyone knew it wasn’t humans, because they had really deep animal scratches in them. They got to their camping area and they dropped everything and started building their tents. Scott and Stiles was building the tent. Allison was blowing up the air beds and Lydia was making the fire. Finally everything was completed. Everyone got into their sweet dreams. As the flame flickered and then went out.
“AHHHHH!” Everyone shouted!
On a full moon night, Allison, Lydia, Stiles and Scott decided to camp at “Rosewood Camp” which was on Mt Rosewood. Apparently a lot of murders happened here. but everyone knew it wasn’t humans, because they had really deep animal scratches in them. They got to their camping area and they dropped everything and started building their tents. Scott and Stiles was building the tent. Allison was blowing up the air beds and Lydia was making the fire. Finally everything was completed. Everyone got into their sweet dreams. As the flame flickered and then went out.
“AHHHHH!” Everyone shouted!
Saturday, May 14, 2016
My Term 2 Week 2 Timetable!
In Rimu this term we have been planning our own timetable. This is my timetable for Term 2. Which is going to make Term 2 very organised for me.
Red = not that good
Orange = okay
Green = super
So after each session we colour code our blocks and at the start of the week we plan our timetables out!
Red = not that good
Orange = okay
Green = super
So after each session we colour code our blocks and at the start of the week we plan our timetables out!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Emily surfing!
Last week Rimu class ( Year 7 & 8 ) went surfing at sumner beach. It was really fun, I've always wanted to learn how to surf. I'm not the best at surfing but next year I'm thinking about taking part in a surfing club. Because surfing is so much fun! Back to the topic, we went surfing for a first WPCA ( William Pike Challenge Award ) and I'm hoping to do more WPCA! Here is a poem that I wrote about surfing and under that is a video of me surfing. I was suppose to stand up but... I end up in this really awkward position. :)
Surfing Poem
I can hear waves crashing into the rocks when I climbed up the big rock cave.
I can hear people yelling “I did it, I did it” when I’m surfing.
I can touch the water dripping from the board when I’m dragging my board on the wet sand.
I can touch the sand sticking all over my wet suit.
I can see people walking their dogs when I’m surfing on the waves.
I can see a big spider climbing up as we did on the rock cave.
I can taste salt all over my mouth which taste like french fries but ten time more stronger.
I can taste salt in my pasta salad at lunch time.
I can smell the fishes in the water from miles away.
I can smell salty air just casually wandering around.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
William Pike Challenge
William Pike Challenge
A few week ago, Rimu made some really delicious food for our parents and William. William is a really cool guy, he loves exploring, teaching, climbing mountains and trying new things.
He told us a really interesting story of his life, which was gross, scary and cool at the same time. He actually had to amputate his leg because he was climbing up Mt Ruapehu and the was a snowstorm and got his leg stuck. Since the doctors save people’s life the best way for William was to amputate his leg. He showed us some really cool image and some gross one.
After the Speech/story I felt really sorry for him but at the same time I felt really proud for him how he tried new things. Recently we’ve just done are first William Pike Challenge Award, It’s so so fun and it was amazing! Make sure to check out my next blog post on what we did for our first WPCA ( William Pike Challenge Award)
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
FIrst Person Point Of View !
‘Wonder’ - First Person point of view Last week, Rimu class has been working on a short essay explaining how R.J Palacio uses first person view. I think 'Wonder' is really interesting and it hooks you in. I hope you enjoy my essay!
Example 1:
First person point of view: “I know I’m not an ordinary ten year old kid.”(p.1)
Example 2: another example
Since I’ve never been to a real school before, I am pretty much totally petrified. (p.4)
Example 3: Here is Another example
My name is August, by the way. I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse. (p.1)
‘Wonder’ is a story about a boy who feels ordinary on the inside, but he is always reminded of how different he is by how people respond when they see him. This is R.J Palacio’s first novel and it is written in the ____ person.
In the 1st sentence it show that R.J Palacio the story is using the first person’s point of view, because it says that August is speaking using Me, My, I and I’ve“ I know I’m not an ordinary ten year old kid.”
In the 4th page it shows that the first person is August because it’s using it’s first point of view “Since I’ve never been to a real school before, I am pretty much totally petrified.”
In the 3rd sentence which is another example.
“ My name is August, by the way. I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse.
This is why I think that R.J Palacio used first person’s point of view.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Last week or two, Rimu class learnt how to create and say our Mihi in Māori. For our visual Mihimihi first we had to draw a self portrait or print out a photo of us. Then we had to draw or print out a picture of the mountains and rivers, after that is my favourite part where you get to draw or print out a picture of what is special to us. So finally you have to film or record your visual Mihimihi. This is a way of getting other people to know more about us. I found saying the Mihi the most challenging.
Here's the video hope you enjoy it!
Here's the video hope you enjoy it!
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